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We primarily use volunteers to help staff our 24-hour crisis hotline. These on-call shifts are 12 hours long and remote - so you can do almost anything you normally would (sleep, hang out with friends, do homework), as long as you are in Laramie, sober, and able to immediately answer incoming hotline calls! During hotline shifts, volunteers will be able to contact an on-call backup staff member or specially trained volunteer as needed.


In order to volunteer, you must complete 40 hours of advocacy training as required by the state to provide services. SAFE's 40-hour trainings are held three times per year in summer, fall, and winter or spring. 

Click the button to complete a volunteer application and to be notified when our next training comes up!

Find upcoming training dates below (or follow this link) or on our events calendar.

Please email our Volunteer Coordinator, Carson, at with any questions.

If you are interested in interning with SAFE Project, it is also mandatory to complete our 40-hour advocacy training before you can work with clients, so the first step is to fill out a volunteer application by clicking the application button above. You can find out more about volunteer internships by clicking the button below!

Click each image to see what SAFE project volunteers accomplished in 2024:

Hours on Call

 2,860 hours
on call

Woman with Watch

Client Contact

44 hours 
client contact

Woman Holding a Mobile Phone

Hotline Calls

76 calls
on the hotline

talking on phones

Grocery shopping

65 hours
grocery shopping/ delivering to shelter

Shopping Basket

our next volunteer

advocacy training 




TUE 2/11 5pm - 9PM THU 2/13 5PM - 9PM


SAT 2/15 9am - 5pm

SUN 2/16 9AM - 5pm


TUE 2/18 5pm - 9PM

THU 2/20 5PM - 9PM


SAT 2/22 9am - 5pm

If you are interested in attending this or a future training, or would like more information about our training or volunteering for SAFE Project in general, please email

"Being an advocate allows me to exercise personal empathy with victims, seeing that true individual strength comes from the difficult choice, undiscovered power, and amazing example they reflect every day in being a survivor."

Janet, Volunteer Advocate


If you would like to offer your time and energy as a volunteer, 

or want to know information or dates for the next advocacy training, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator CARSON.

24-Hour Crisis Line:
(307) 745-3556

Office: (307) 742-7273
Campus: (307) 766-3434


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SAFE Project is sponsored by the Office of the Attorney General, Division of Victim Services

Office: 319 S Lincoln St.
Laramie, WY 82070

Mail: PO Box 665
Laramie, WY 82073

Campus: Knight Hall Room 103

All of our services are free and confidential. We do not discriminate for access to services on the basis of real or perceived race/ethnicity, language, sex, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, (dis)ability, social class, economic status, education, marital status, religious affiliation, residency, HIV status, sexual preference, or national origin.

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