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SAFE Laramie

Sexual Assault  and Domestic Violence Reporting Options

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What to expect

safe project

What to Expect when Speaking with an Advocate

Law enforcement

What to Expect when Speaking with Law Enforcement

forensic Exam

What to Expect when getting a Forensic Exam

Department of family services

What to Expect when Speaking with DFS

Law enforcement

Department of family services

forensic Exam

safe project


is it too late to report?

In the state of Wyoming, there is no statute of limitations for any crime. You may report a crime at any time no matter when it happened.


If you are within close proximity to a sexual assault or domestic violence incident, you may wish to participate in a forensic exam to collect more evidence. This is not required to report a crime but can be helpful in prosecuting the case.

how do i help a loved one?

There are many ways to help a loved one who has experienced sexual assault or domestic violence. The help is as individual as the person experiencing the trauma. Most survivors report needing support more than anything else. It is important to remember that survivors know their situation the best and know what steps are beneficial for them. While friends and family may have ideas about how to help (calling the police, persuading a survivor to leave, confronting the abuser) only the survivor will understand the risks and benefits of those choices. It is crucial to include a survivor in any plans that are made.


If you are in need of help safety planning or helping a loved one, SAFE Project advocates can help you identify the best ways to support survivors.

Will i get in trouble?

Laramie Police Department believes when investigating sexual assault, sexual assault is the most important piece of the puzzle.


"If you are under the age to legally consume alcohol, or if drugs were involved in your assault, the Police Department will not consider that if you have been the victim of a sexual assault."


meet andy

My name is Andy Glines, 34, former UW graduate and Founder/co-owner of The Crowbar & Grill.


I wanted to be in the SAFE Men Program because I love my community. I knew that I needed a crash course in gender-based violence to get up to speed. But just getting that information wouldn't be enough. I wanted to be part of a conversation; part of a solution; an action committee that would be taking steps, standing tall, and advocating for sexual assault prevention. SAFE Men has been one of my life's greatest opportunities for personal growth and it has been an amazing experience. Becoming an active ally has been something I’ve wanted to do but lacked an understanding of how to become engaged. The information and insight I’ve obtained during SAFE Men Program is far greater than what I would have gathered on my own. After I graduate from the program, I want to continue to be engaged with SAFE Project and sexual assault prevention.


My project (Safe Laramie: Understanding Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Reporting) is a response to my understanding that sexual assault reporting is highly misunderstood.

Many times victims don't know whom to call first or what to do next, which often leads to a report never being filed.


63% of sexual assaults go unreported for a number of reasons. The process can be scary, dangerous, embarrassing, stressful, physically and emotionally demanding, 


SAFE Project has done an amazing job raising awareness through our community to show what they do and the resources they offer.


Being in the service/bar industry, I understand a large number of sexual assaults start at or occur in, a bar scenario. The purpose of this project is to get the most important information to a victim, or possible victim, the fastest. Mainly, the four main resources and phone numbers to call with a QR code and website with additional information on what to expect when you call any of those numbers.


My hope is that a victim will have more confidence to call and report if they don't feel like they will get caught off guard. If they know how many people are available to help and that all agencies involved are incredibly compassionate and dedicated to serving the victim, I believe more assaults can be prevented and more perpetrators can be held accountable.

24-Hour Crisis Line:
(307) 745-3556

Office: (307) 742-7273
Campus: (307) 766-3434


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SAFE Project is sponsored by the Office of the Attorney General, Division of Victim Services

Office: 319 S Lincoln St.
Laramie, WY 82070

Mail: PO Box 665
Laramie, WY 82073

Campus: Knight Hall Room 103

All of our services are free and confidential. We do not discriminate for access to services on the basis of real or perceived race/ethnicity, language, sex, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, (dis)ability, social class, economic status, education, marital status, religious affiliation, residency, HIV status, sexual preference, or national origin.

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