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Resources for Men

Join the movement!

Men are working toward ending violence against women, men and children at SAFE Project and though these other great organizations. 


For information on how you can help SAFE Project click here.


If you are aware of local events for men, please let us know!

Alcohol is the #1 date rape drug.



'Bystander Intervention'

to help get others out of potentially dangerous situations.


Men Are Also Survivors

Men typically face disbelief and ridicule when disclosing abuse and assault. Abusers are experts at making their victims feel like no one will believe them and that no one cares enough to help them. For many years, domestic violence and sexual assault have been characterized as issues that only affect women.  While it is true that stalking, intimate partner and sexual violence disproportionately affect women, 2010 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey suggests that:


  • 1 in 7 men have experienced severe physical violence by an intimate partner. 

  • 1 in 71 men have been raped in their lifetime

  • 1 in 19 men have been stalked during their lifetime

  • More than a quarter of male victims of completed rape (28%) were first raped when they were 10 years old or younger


No one deserves to be abused whether man, woman or child.


See the full report.




1 in 6 boys

have been sexually abused in some way.

Am I an Abuser?

Here are some red flags for an abusive personality:

  • Extreme jealousy, insecurity, possessiveness

  • Controlling behavior, which may include checking up on a partner, control over appearance, and control over where a partner can go

  • Quick involvement or getting serious in a relationship very quickly

  • Unrealistic expectations of perfection from a partner

  • Isolation - physically, geographically, and emotionally.  This includes controlling who a partner talks to or spends time with.

  • Blaming others for their own problems

  • Hypersensitivity

  • Cruelty to animals or children

  • "Playful" use of force during sex

  • Verbal abuse including ridicule and degrading comments

  • Threats of violence

  • Rigid gender roles and expecation that their partner serve and obey

  • Breaking objects

Tell Us Your Story

If you have a story that you would like to share with SAFE please do so! We can use these stories for community awareness, to improve program services, or just for an advocate to read. Let us know how you would like your story shared!  Real names would never be published or used during community presentations. 

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24-Hour Crisis Line:
(307) 745-3556

Office: (307) 742-7273
Campus: (307) 766-3434


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SAFE Project is sponsored by the Office of the Attorney General, Division of Victim Services

Office: 319 S Lincoln St.
Laramie, WY 82070

Mail: PO Box 665
Laramie, WY 82073

Campus: Knight Hall Room 103

All of our services are free and confidential. 

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